Tuesday, March 18, 2014

WPP #13 & #14: Unit P Concepts 6 & 7: Applications of Law of Sins and Cosines

This WPP was made in collaboration with Vanessa Topete. Please visit the other awesome blog posts on her blog by going here

Swanson and Robert both love pickles. They see a pickle tied to a balloon floating in the air and decide to go after it using their helicopters. Swanson's helicopter is 300 ft away from Robert's helicopter. Swanson flies N25*E and Robert flies N57*W. What is the distance that they will travel to reach the pickle?

Swanson is 13.2 feet away from Robert. He sees that Robert's helicopter hit a cliff and blew up. Robert parachutes out and lands safely on the ground. Swanson sees that the exploded helicopter is 17 ft away from the pickle. If Swanson goes straight for the pickle, how far will he have to travel?

After Swanson reached the pickle he found out that it was not a pickle, but really, IT WAS A CUCUMBER!

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