Wednesday, June 4, 2014

BQ 7 : Unit V

In the process of finding the difference quotient we must understand slope and how a slope is found. The slope will give us two points for a line that will go through the function, that line is known as the secant line.
We have no points when finding the derivative of the difference quotient, we only have the x and y axis, although we should plot two points if we want to find the derivative of the difference quotient. X1 would be labeled as x and a value called h is added to reach x2 on the x axis making x2 as x+h. To find the y values we just plug in our x values into the function f(x) and our point for y1 would be f(x) and y2 would be f(x+h). Finally we plug in these points to the slope formula (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), so we would have f(x+h)-f(x)/x+h-x and the x's in the denominator would cancel leaving us with f(x+h)-f(x)/h. 


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